Morgan keith
Doing an install where there is an on site generator and changeover switch. There is a Henley block between the main incoming main switch and the changeover switch and another on the other side between the changeover switch and sub circuits. So should I connect it to the 1st one so that it's totally seperate from the generator or will it not matter. Could damage be done to generator or would the inverters not start up because of the sine-waves etc the generator would produce?
Thanks in advance
Doing an install where there is an on site generator and changeover switch. There is a Henley block between the main incoming main switch and the changeover switch and another on the other side between the changeover switch and sub circuits. So should I connect it to the 1st one so that it's totally seperate from the generator or will it not matter. Could damage be done to generator or would the inverters not start up because of the sine-waves etc the generator would produce?
Thanks in advance