Suffice to say that Guitarist has 1 Friend mentioned in his Profile, & I do not have to go a million miles to see why 1shortcircuit came in straight away to criticise me after Guitarist. The concept of cyber bullying is not a new phenomenon.
This is a forum, the purpose of which is to promote critical thinking, meaningful problem solving & knowledge construction, take your cyber bullying elsewhere. I will decide what will do me good, it is not for anyone to make that decision for me.
I have found the responses from other members highly interesting & I found the one posted by Guitarist, did not do anything for me. That response correlated with some of the others that Guitarist has posted in other threads, in that they tend to have a low interest value, & tend to rant, the others did not. There was a world of difference between what MarkieSparkie wrote & the rant that came from Guitarist.
Youre coming across as a real jerk pal.
You started a thread and asked a question.
It was answered in the second post and everyone should have gone home happy.
You like to use long-winded lingo in otherwise empty tedious posts.
As internet trolls go youre small change so go jog on.