Hi all well here,s one for you to have a good laugh at,and see who owns up cause we,ve probably all done something like this if we,re honest.Anyway on Tuesday I had to go to visit a company to have part of one of our machines repaired,and as it was a good run out about 200 miles my boss decided to come along as well.So at work I am well known for getting things done without any messing about, you know straight in job done anyway we go to this company and a guy comes out to meet us and takes us in,looks at the part and after a bitof a chat tells us to come back in about an hour.so off we go to the exit anyway this is one of them doors with a mag lock and switch,so I push the button and pull the door,nothing happens so I try again same thing,then I spot a green break glass above switch with a plastic centre, no glass,you,ve all seen them so I push it and plastic breaks,at this point I realise door opens outwards so bottom switch was right it was me pulling not pushing.problem was that door now doesnt lock so we are sat in our car on car park having a drink whilst all these people come and go and all try and work out why door is flapping about and not locking.Boss was in hysterics when I told him what happened and I just said if anyone asks deny everything,funny really cause as my boss said there,s only me could do something like that lol