I did one in January for Land Rover (part of Jaguar Land Rover) so will probably be same format.
Starts early (0730) first they want to see trade qualifications, indentures etc., 3 candidates failed here including a friend with 30+ years service at Goodyears!, you need all your certs, birth cert. driving licence, last payslip both photocopied (for them) and originals.
Next you do a series of tests which you can practice on the website, multiple choice against the clock to test your literacy, numeracy, reasoning and the one I found easy, electro mechanical reasoning.
Lunch break - free drinks
An interview with a trade supervisor asking you to relate situations like "how do you react if a job goes wrong", how do you work as part of a team" etc
A couple of practical tests, connect 20 different coloured wires into a terminal rail while refering to wiring diagram that is not logical!
Hope this helps
PS I got offered a job but couldn't risk the 2 years probation reviewed every 3 months as I wanted job security to pay mortgage!