I always find stripping round flex a bit of a pain. I nibble away at it, bend it forwards, backwards, sideway and eventually it comes off. Sometimes it far easier than others.
Does this jokari tool work? There seems to be lots of jokari strippers, is there a particular one for round flex? looks like its the number 12 or 15 but I'm not sure of the difference. Anyone used them and like them?
Are there better tools for stripping round cable?
Jokari number 15 https://www.sotel.de/en/Werkzeug-Ga...4WQe_oM9IFMm9GrbQ-5T6VKN0BoC-JkQAvD_BwE&cur=1
Jokari number 12 Jokari JOK30120 Universal No.12 Round Wire Stripper 8-13mm - https://www.ffx.co.uk/product/Get/Jokari-Jok30120-4011391301207-Universal-No.12-Round-Wire-Stripper-8-13Mm?gclid=CjwKCAjw3pWDBhB3EiwAV1c5rJ1WfwTRwOGPzU2Kmnkoe_RMLkVsSw0m_0EsHAsbW1iM9BJjL2ShTBoCC2gQAvD_BwE
Does this jokari tool work? There seems to be lots of jokari strippers, is there a particular one for round flex? looks like its the number 12 or 15 but I'm not sure of the difference. Anyone used them and like them?
Are there better tools for stripping round cable?
Jokari number 15 https://www.sotel.de/en/Werkzeug-Ga...4WQe_oM9IFMm9GrbQ-5T6VKN0BoC-JkQAvD_BwE&cur=1
Jokari number 12 Jokari JOK30120 Universal No.12 Round Wire Stripper 8-13mm - https://www.ffx.co.uk/product/Get/Jokari-Jok30120-4011391301207-Universal-No.12-Round-Wire-Stripper-8-13Mm?gclid=CjwKCAjw3pWDBhB3EiwAV1c5rJ1WfwTRwOGPzU2Kmnkoe_RMLkVsSw0m_0EsHAsbW1iM9BJjL2ShTBoCC2gQAvD_BwE
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