For us who don't speak your language @Julian Daminelli I have translated.
I don't know why @dmxtothemax came out with that stuff but judge by the other posts and not just one or you'll alienate Brazilians bringing Luiz down with you.
Welcome to the forum everyone.
I am also Brazilian, and I congratulate you for the initiative to learn electrical and English simultaneously! Seriousness is a big step and the kind that makes the difference in a person's life. Knowing English nowadays is essential to interact with as many people as possible, and mastering it is only possible through practice, as you are doing. Besides it is much easier to learn English through something of your interest, in this case the electric! I for example learned through music, and now that I am studying electrical, it already serves me as a tool to absorb the information here of the forum more clearly.
I'll start -
Gary Numan Our Friends Electric - I challenge @telectrix and all