Hi all, just on my way home for the pre AM2, and I gotta say, I feel more nervous. Seen everything we have to do and the time limits, and it makes me wonder, how can anyone do it?? Does anyone have any experience?
Might not have helped that we had to do a full practice test on 10 circuits, while writing down R1+RN for every circuit on the back of the sheet, as well as every Zs and PEFC/PSCC for each phase (to show our working) and do it all within 3.5 hours. Fair to say, all 4 of us failed.
It's only 6 circuits on the AM2, but still, I don't feel good. Any advice?
I did my AM2 last month, so I can share my experiences with you.
Best advice I can give to you is revise over and over each section. For example, for the installation I kept on going over the install and how they want the install to be wired. Preparation is key.
Example - Carrying the neutral through every switch on the lighting circuit.
Example - IP rated socket is the one they want you to spur off on the ring circuit.
Example - Run the data cable in seperate dado trunking to other cables.
If you revise and go through small details like that for preparation, you will fly the install and every section. My Pre AM2 did go through a lot of this which helped me massively, as its very important you follow the spec.
The same goes for every section. You obviously know what you're doing, you just have to follow what they want in order for you to pass. Good luck!
@SparkyChick's thread helped me a lot.