Eco Deal
was contacted on the telephone by Superseal, and one of their representatives called. On that first meeting I signed up for the installation of 6 panels for the price of 4 at a cost of £8,500.00, and paid by cheque a deposit of £1,700.00. First mistake. Within a few days their surveyor called and confirmed that the house could accommodate up to 14 panels which provides the maximum financial benefit, so I asked them to provide 14 panels at a total cost of £16,500.00. When I discussed with a neighbour the quoted cost I discovered that the figure given was high, and at that point I contacted the Energy Savings Trust who confirmed that the figure was high, and they provided me with a list of approved installers operating in my area. Superseal was not on the list. I was then provided with three installers and their quotations were less than half the cost given by Superseal. When I took this up with Superseal they told me that comparing their panels with anyone else's was like comparing apples and pears, and their product was superior to the others. They then said as I had not cancelled within the 7 day period I could not now cancel, the panels had been bought for me and were now mine, and if I would not agree to let them instal them, they would simply deliver the panels and leave them in my garden, leaving me to arrange for them to be fitted or not as I chose. They did not say that I would have to pay for them, but I doubt if they would be left free of charge. Effectively I cannot proceed with another installer, as if I did and if Superseal enforced payment, the total cost would be the same as if I took Superseal's price: If I do not act within the next few days, then it will be too late to proceed at all at the current feed in rate. I need to act now or forget the installation altogether. The quotations received from the other installers were detailed Superseals quote provided no details other than the price and the number of panels. I can copy their quote/contract if you wish. My grave mistake was not cancelling within the 7 days allowed in the contract, but I did not have the necessary information within that period of time. I have contacted REAL, who have noted my compaint, and said that the way Superseal conducted the "negotiations" did not reflect best practice in the industry. Have you any advice on how I can retrieve the situation at the eleventh hour. On the plus side, Superseal are insisting I accept the 6 panels, not the 14. This number does not provide maximum benefit.