I got into a dispute today with a kitchen installation company. I am in the process of rewiring a house and the client has ordered a top of the range kitchen but the installer has his own spark to carry out the appliance connections. He provided a drawing for the electrics and I wired to suit at the 1st fix stage. I have ran the appliances from a dedicated circuit with a grid switch in the kitchen, using 20 amp dp grids. The spark has today butchered the back of the units and added 20 amp dp switches in the back corner of the units, which the client isn't too happy about as it looks awful, especially considering it wasn't a cheap kitchen and it's a brand new installation. His excuse was that if the engineer from Siemens (appliance manufacturers) comes to do a repair he won't touch it unless the isolator is adjacent to the appliances. the grid switch is about 4 feet away. Anyone else has issues with this. I know the debate regarding isolators inside units goes on and on but this was a brand new install and provisions had been made. Not to mention I have to certify the whole house when it's done.