would mount maybe 2 Atex 150W Halogen light fitting(s ) onto the forecourt canopy pointing in the general direction of the LPG service area so that they are well out of the way of the gas filling area and the overground tanks that sit next to it..... you could power the fittings from the same supply as the overhead striplights built into the canopy...
These light fittings are about 70 pounds each providing you go to the right place to buy them, there can be no lights or electrical equipment at all apart from the dispenser equipment in that area, so no fittings bolted onto the metalwork around the LPG part of the petrol station...as the cables may become damaged in future etc..
you will need to write up a detailed risk assessment, a detailed method statement, write to the HSE to ask for permission and also may need to ask the local council for planning permission to make alterations to overhead lighting in what they deem to be a "public area" in that it might shine over a wall into somebodys house windows or onto a road and dazzle drivers...
There are special rules in place for petrol stations so all of this is needed or you could end up in bother, the HSE will want to appear during daylight hours when you are there to tell them of your planned alterations, they will also ask you if you have the insurance for that work (as you will have to top up your insurance and that could cost you 100pounds for a 1 day job in a flammable or dangerous environment, hence why only large consultancies go for refinery and gas works) before they sign off on their permission sheets and give you a copy.
They will want to know if you have a plan to close off an area to work in or if you will be working after closing time and also will expect you to have the use of a cherry picker and the relevant certificate to use it, in your risk assessment you will also have to mention dealing with the use of your electrical supply for your temporary lights and power tools and also how you will handle the issue of hot metal shavings from using a drill/holesaw etc...
you will need to price this at something like 900 pounds for the days work(factoring in 1 extra pair of hands for the day as well) and the hire of a small cherry picker + the light fittings and other items, if they dont like that they can get in one of the supplier/Franchises preferred forecourt contractors to do it and it will probably end up costing them 3k plus the vat.....its just one of those things , you will need to rent access equipment for a day due to the nature of the job and will need to jump through hoops, and dont forget you will need to inform the insurers a few days in advance to get cover for that days work in a high risk area as well, or you wont be insured, if the HSE find that out they treat it the same as having no public liability insurance and the court costs and fines can take your house, your car, your wifes car, your kids car and your business down the plughole...