Make yourself familiar with the layout.
Part 1,2,3 and so on, until you can recite them, i.e part 4 is protection, part 5 is selection and erection etc etc. Stick some tabs in the book at the first page of each part. Dont write in your regs book, and dont highlight text. Once upon a time you could, but these days you have to have a clean copy of the regs for the exam. Tabs without text, post it notes without text and folded over page corners are acceptable.
A lot of questions come from lists and tables, a very good page to make a note of is the table of tables.
It is highly unlikely that you will get any calculations of any great difficulty, but ohms law calcs will crop up.
You may also be asked from a choice of answers, which one of the given calculations is correct, so make sure you can read them, and in particular symbols such as > and <.
I agree the NIC learner guide is excellent, and i use it on my courses.
Dont beat yourself up about revision, there isnt much you can do, the course will put you right, and the pass rate is high. You will get 60 questions, and 120 minutes to answer them in, so thats 2 mins per question. there isn't much too involved that you can do in 2 minutes, so the questions are usually fact related, rather than having to do complex maths.
When a table or chart is explained to you, make sure you understand it, there is nothing more annoying than getting the correct table, and getting the wrong answer.
I have put 208 people of all abilities and ages through it this year, and 207 have passed. The one who didnt had no electrical experience, but his boss told him he had to do it.