In effect yes, but the only person I was identifying it to was myself, and again I didn't have any red tape either, only blue.So it's a live wire, and you've identified it as a neutral?
I take it the joint on the other end of this black wire is in a suitable enclosure?
Yeah I checked the breaker to find it's a 6a, so I used a 5a chocolate block, which I also covered in the same blue tape before shoving back into the ceiling cavity.
I know folks here are likely to be pro electricians frowning at my methods & misuse of colours, but really I just wanted to know if anyone had come across the issue in the original post before.
Most of you would probably faint if you saw what the rest of this houses electrical cabling looked like, I mean just the feeds from the fuse boards are comical.
Brb gonna go take a pic so you can see what I mean.