Hi all, H.N.Y.
The passive, affixed to a recently bought LED security light is rubbish, sometimes it works, mostly it doesn't, no matter how often I set the er! settings. So my question is, other security lights that we have are linked in to GDJ passives, not integral with the lights & are excellent. The illumination of this new light is perfect & I'm reluctant to scrap it, is it possible to purchase a stand alone passive, disconnect or remove the integral one & connect the new passive, via cable to the new light.
Thanks in anticipation.
Please also explain what "tags " are in the forum???
The passive, affixed to a recently bought LED security light is rubbish, sometimes it works, mostly it doesn't, no matter how often I set the er! settings. So my question is, other security lights that we have are linked in to GDJ passives, not integral with the lights & are excellent. The illumination of this new light is perfect & I'm reluctant to scrap it, is it possible to purchase a stand alone passive, disconnect or remove the integral one & connect the new passive, via cable to the new light.
Thanks in anticipation.
Please also explain what "tags " are in the forum???