I've done a CU change in a house where there's been some DIY work resulting in lots of the cpc's in the lighting circuits being cut off! I think that the owner of the house was under the impression that cpc's are not required for lighting circuits and so simply cut them flush with the sheath of the T&E. Luckily, the remainder of the wiring in the house tests ok (after a some minor remedial work here and there).
I managed to crimp and reconnect cpc's in some of the light fittings and light switches, and also connect some parts of the lighting circuit that haven't been fiddled with to the cpc of a nearby socket on the ring (not ideal I know) resulting in all the class I light fittings in the house being earthed. The house has been recently decorated, floorboards covered with hardboard before gluing down new carpets, making it impossible to reconnect cpc's in junction boxes under the floor.
What I am left with is plastic ceiling roses and plastic light switches with no connection to earth, which seems acceptable to me. The only problem is that the light switches have metal back boxes and metal screws, which seems bad to me, and some may be connected to the cpc conductor in the cable which is not earthed, which just makes matters worse.
So, what's the best way of dealing with this? I'm thinking of going back and either replacing the metal screws with white nylon screws (which seem difficult to source) or getting some switches with little plastic caps over the screws. I think their current switches are MK and I assume there's not an easy way of covering screws on these?
I managed to crimp and reconnect cpc's in some of the light fittings and light switches, and also connect some parts of the lighting circuit that haven't been fiddled with to the cpc of a nearby socket on the ring (not ideal I know) resulting in all the class I light fittings in the house being earthed. The house has been recently decorated, floorboards covered with hardboard before gluing down new carpets, making it impossible to reconnect cpc's in junction boxes under the floor.
What I am left with is plastic ceiling roses and plastic light switches with no connection to earth, which seems acceptable to me. The only problem is that the light switches have metal back boxes and metal screws, which seems bad to me, and some may be connected to the cpc conductor in the cable which is not earthed, which just makes matters worse.
So, what's the best way of dealing with this? I'm thinking of going back and either replacing the metal screws with white nylon screws (which seem difficult to source) or getting some switches with little plastic caps over the screws. I think their current switches are MK and I assume there's not an easy way of covering screws on these?