What do you mean by Labourers being given ''Authorised Person'' status?? The basic level of education for such a person (in my day anyway) was ONC/OND!!
These MV/HV courses always were difficult to gain, many had to take on lower paid positions with the regional electricity board companies (DNOs) to get that training. Some of us were lucky enough to be employed by the bigger industrial's that could get there electrical staff onto electricity board (DNO) training courses along with there own employee's.
These courses in total took around a year of part time training. Within that period i remember sitting at least 2 papers, that had to be passed above a given level, to get your National Authorised Person Registration card. Mine was and still is upto 36KV and as a Recognised Person upto 66KV.
It seems that the present powers that be, are determined to undermine the MV/HV Authorised Person status etc to that where Labourers are issuing instructions etc. Someone somewhere is gonna die or seriously injured or maimed, if they haven't already. God help the UKs electrical industry, where solid proven standards now mean nowt !!!