As worcester says, power-one has the same function, but it's just called something like 'full scan', contrary to what Worcester says though, it's actually on as standard on the power-one, but only set to operate every 15 minutes - in high shading situations we'd set it to every 5 minutes - the SMA actually will only go down to every 6 minutes, power-one I think can be set as low as you want, but I'd not advise any less than 5 minutes really.Had the guy out today and to be fair to him he was really decent and is keen to get this sorted. He's said we can have a different inverter and has said sma sunny boy and aurora power one both have technology to deal with shading. I think sma has software to track the global peak whereas aurora has 2 mppt.
So the question is which one is best to go for? Any thoughts?
monitoring is better with SMA, however you can use something like this current cost system for maybe £100 installed to upload the output to a web portal for you which will give you reasonable monitoring, it just won't allow
the installer to interact remotely with the inverter... but unless they know what they're doing with that (as worcester does), then this is a little pointless anyway, and prone to cause as many problems as it solves IME.
Current Cost Dashboard :: device 114779
ps This is the system I screenshotted earlier in the thread (I think) with hard shading coming across the system rapidly from around 5:40pm - it's 12 x 285Wp panels and uses power-one 3.0 Out-D, but specifically doesn't use the dual tracker function as we calculated it was more efficient to operate it single string with the shading function enabled at 5minute intervals, due to the higher efficiency at higher voltages, and the fact the shaded string would rapidly end up below the MPPT voltage as it cut out shaded cells. The performance is working pretty much as expected.