Hi everyone am i way off the mark in calculating my maximum demand i have 6 circuits
1x50 shower 10.5kw, 3x32 ring finals, 2x6 lights.ive calulated 100% for the shower =50
ive then calculated 40% on the ring finals=38.4 then 66% lights =7.9 totaling 96.3 ive
worked these out from osg table1b using section 9 but to be honest not sure whether im doing it
correctly any help
1x50 shower 10.5kw, 3x32 ring finals, 2x6 lights.ive calulated 100% for the shower =50
ive then calculated 40% on the ring finals=38.4 then 66% lights =7.9 totaling 96.3 ive
worked these out from osg table1b using section 9 but to be honest not sure whether im doing it
correctly any help