I was called to a customer today where the oven had blownup over the weekend. Well to be more precise the oven element had fractured and the moisture in the mineral had caused the element to pass current to earth. Now my understanding is that the RCD should have tripped out (which it did) within 20mSec and within 30mA (the measured installation characteristics). So why did the 32A MCB also trip?
All I can think of is that the current rose to 64Amps within the 20mSec. But if that is the case then shorly the whole point of an RCD preventing personal indury by limiting the maximum current to 50mA becomes nul and void.
Any comments?
All I can think of is that the current rose to 64Amps within the 20mSec. But if that is the case then shorly the whole point of an RCD preventing personal indury by limiting the maximum current to 50mA becomes nul and void.
Any comments?