Hi Graeme,
I am happy to offer an insight into the process required to gain MCS accreditation.
Stage 1 - Product Training.
During the MCS inspection the assessor will look to see that you have been on an approved training course which covers the necessary elements within the MCS documents e.g. MIS3002 MCS guide to solar PV. The most common courses are NIC EIC, Logic, Bpec & the new and improved city and guilds 2399. The training will cover the requirements for mounting the panels, ensuring the roof is correctly sealed, connecting the inverters and completing the installation including informing the DNO and completing the G83 or G59 forms.
Stage 2 - you must have a quality management system that conforms to the standards outlined in the MIS001 Guide to MCS, this includes internal documents, external documents, forms and procedures. in the form of a document issue list. The assessor will spend around 70% of the day on this and will look to see that you have not only used it for an example installation but also that you fully understand it and can maintain the QMS going forward. This is the element that we offer and please feel free to contact one of our team to discuss this section further.
Stage 3 - Example Installation, you must use your experience in your chosen area i.e. electrician or heating engineer and the knowledge gaining during your product training alongside your management system to produce an example installation. This can be on your own property or a client’s house and once you are accredited will be full eligible for the FITS or RHI although only one installation can be completed prior to assessment.
Stage 4 - Assessment - The day would consist of around 70% on your QMS and 30% on the technology / example installation. They will look to see you have followed the procedures in your QMS and completed the installation in line with your training and experience. The assessor will take for granted that if you are qualified to do the work i.e. Part P and 17th edition you have the experience so will be more interested in the paper work. In 12 months’ time you will have your annual audit which will be conducted by a more technical inspector who will pick an installation at random to assess but will still be keen to see that you are maintaining your QMS.
I hope this helps and please keep the questions coming!
So to ensure I am reading it correctly the steps would be
1. Carry out appropriate Solar PV course
2. Set up or buy into a QMS/back office certification format
3. Complete sample install
4. Apply for assesment
Is this correct?