I'm just catching up on this but will have to stop in a mo'. We do have a strict policy here of not allowing companies to just use the forum commercially. And it's due to a couple of reasons mainly (but not just these) A) the place costs a lot to run, it's the biggest forum we have out of 14, firms can come on here for a year, dedicate their time to it, and ensure they're getting some good sales out of it at the end. But that's pretty much exactly what the sponsorship is about. Why should we host this place and get it going for years, and then a firm comes on board and manages to make some hefty profits when the forum its self has never made a profit, and may not ever do so. B) if we had no policy on selling here, then every tom dick and harry would come here, and you'd ONLY end up with replies from salespeople. The guys that just want to chat do just that, chat, and don't care to buy things at the end of every thread.
Whilst I understand these people are in the industry and know their stuff. You have to admit that we've ran this forum exactly like this since April 2006 and we've done just fine having very few here.
I promise you this; we run this forum well. And those saying otherwise nearly always have a financial reason behind whatever they're saying.
I'll look into this but I'm sure all has been done for the right reasons.