I have installed an MK hi integrety CDU fine ok installed and working , but installing an RCBO where the bus bar is slotted into the main out going of the isolator ,what happend was the isolator snapped back on , whilst i was inserting the busbar into position , most isolators switch on and off with a bit of pressure or if they are on can drop to off quite easily , but the MK one literally from the off position i caught it with the screw driver whist tightening the terminal of the main switch to the bus bar and it shot over to the on position luckily i was stood on my fibre glass ladders and didnt get a shock , but i am amazed how easily the isolator flips into the one position the oposit of what oi would expect it to do ,it flipped to on just how an MCB flips to off very worrying and a very lucky me !!!