I previously made a similar post howeverjust want to ensure ive grasped this,
Found an explanation of star delta on awebsite although don’t think it explains the concepts all that well.
As far as I know the relationships for3phase star are IL=Iphase, Vphase = Vline/√3
And for Delta VL=Vphase, Iphase = Iline/√3(For balanced loads) and apply KCL otherwise.
The concept stated the voltage across a star winding is 230V if Vline = 400 but doesn't that only have relevance whendescribing the voltage/current characteristics of a system requiring a neutraleg. Between the secondary windings of a transformer connected in star & aTP&N DB.
If we connect a 3 phase motor In starlike above there Is a potential difference of 415V between winding U andwinding W therefore, as there is no neutral connection and the 230V is with respectto ground/Neutral then surely that concept changes for motors?
Additionally Would I be right in sayingif we had a name plate stating (400VDelta) (690V star) and we connect it in star then what we are saying Is…..
As the voltage propagates down L1 at thattime domain in the cycle, It see’s the resistance of all 3 windings incomparison to the single winding that would be between any 2 phases in delta and for this reason the current Drawn is 1/3of the current that would be drawn in delta.
Thus the windings may be rated for 660Vstar but will see 400V across them and hence they are under excited?
I apologies if I am not making myselfclear, I understand the concepts but there is creases in my understanding thatI want to iron out.
I previously made a similar post howeverjust want to ensure ive grasped this,
Found an explanation of star delta on awebsite although don’t think it explains the concepts all that well.
As far as I know the relationships for3phase star are IL=Iphase, Vphase = Vline/√3
And for Delta VL=Vphase, Iphase = Iline/√3(For balanced loads) and apply KCL otherwise.
The concept stated the voltage across a star winding is 230V if Vline = 400 but doesn't that only have relevance whendescribing the voltage/current characteristics of a system requiring a neutraleg. Between the secondary windings of a transformer connected in star & aTP&N DB.
If we connect a 3 phase motor In starlike above there Is a potential difference of 415V between winding U andwinding W therefore, as there is no neutral connection and the 230V is with respectto ground/Neutral then surely that concept changes for motors?
Additionally Would I be right in sayingif we had a name plate stating (400VDelta) (690V star) and we connect it in star then what we are saying Is…..
As the voltage propagates down L1 at thattime domain in the cycle, It see’s the resistance of all 3 windings incomparison to the single winding that would be between any 2 phases in delta and for this reason the current Drawn is 1/3of the current that would be drawn in delta.
Thus the windings may be rated for 660Vstar but will see 400V across them and hence they are under excited?
I apologies if I am not making myselfclear, I understand the concepts but there is creases in my understanding thatI want to iron out.