Tony, (Et Al,)
Any equipment put onto the market is required to meet the requirements of the "New Approach" directives.
These are the LVD, the EMCD & the MD, amongst others.
Putting on to the market, includes manufacture for ones own use within your organisation.
End of story.
This is set out in statute law.
Thus panels made for ones own use must now be CE marked, sorry, but that is now the legal situation in the EU, chose to ignore this at your peril, as if you ignore the A, B & C standards when you design your equipment, in the event of an issue, an expert witness will make mincemeat out of you unless, you are very lucky.
This has been the situation since these directives came into force.
Also, with externally sourced equipment having to meet these standards, in house equipment should meet the same standards so that there is a common platform.
Thus reducing confusion & INCREASING safety.
No one complains about using the correct colours under BS7671, so why can people not get it into their heads that there are other standards that require compliance with other colour codes, it is not difficult.
MEET the rules, its easy.
Tony, one other things, you have moved from LOW voltage to HIGH voltage.
Which is BTW the NEW term for what used to be called MV & HV.
We can't bring HV into this.
HOWEVER I do agree that if you have HV in a panel then this MUST shout out at you.
Please can we leave HV out, it is a different ball game completely.
If anyone here is playing with HV, then if they are in need to ask questions here to guide them, then it is doubtful they will be around to read the answers!
Whilst I can see your point, the problem is that these are the rules we must abide by, just like BS7671, there are other standards that must be adhered to.
BS EN 60204-1:2006+A1:2009 is one of them when designing and manufacturing control systems, there are many others.
If you are not going to meet the standards, then you need to be sure that in the event of an issue that you can prove that what you did meets the statute law requirements.
You may also like to ensure that your insurance covers you for such deviations in design, as they may revoke cover, leaving you to take the full brunt & burden of any issues personally.
Why does almost nobody on here have a problem suggesting and meeting the requirements of BS7671, but seems to care little about other standards, which are just as, if not more important?
I can't for the life of me understand it.
Just comply its easier.
Stop trying to justify breaking the rules, why should you, why would you when there could be so much at stake, we are not talking about a £60 speeding fine here, people can DIE.