Hi I have recently moved and I have only 1 plug socket in the living room where i need 8! I'd normally call on an electrician to sort it but I'm reluctant to do so at the moment purely due to covid19 so want to tackle it myself as I've currently using 2 fused extension leads in the1 wall socket (I know this is not a good idea). Would I be ok to use 2 x fused 4 plug converters? One in place of the current single plug in the ring main and 1 as a spur from the other? Ithink this would be the easiest/ cheaper option but obviously want to ensure it's safe. The plugs would be used to power low ampage items such as tv cable box router etc so should be well below 13 amps. If this would not be safe I'd really appreciate if someone can recommend the simplest alternative? Thanks