If the contract is asking you to break down your costs for each item then that's what you need to do.
So as the guys have said
sockets 45 per point
Lights 25 per pendant 20 per switch
CU install 350 pounds inc connection
Bonding 175 inc main and supplementray
cooker points 150
shower 225
Testing 300 inc certificates and notification
Etc these are rough guides and dependant on where you are, what your overheads are and how badly you need the work.
Do you need to seperate your material, will you be running TV. CCTV, Cat. Telephone and extension.
Fire alarms NICEIC say you need to fit a system to every rewire or new work
Emergency lighting, some building department insist on an emergency light above the CU
So all this you and you alone can only really work out