hi all, i bin going just over a year now, PAT testing is a second job for me.... i charge an average of £1.60 (+VAT) per item. i can easily do about 100 items in 4 hours. but then i do a proper job of inspection and test so i give a good service and i leave a building knowing i have done a porper job and that all the portable appliances are safe.
Just to clarify your procedure:
1, Locate the item to be tested.
2, Power down and remove plug from socket - if necessary.
3, Visually inspect appliance - special attention to cord and plug top condition.
4, Remove cover from plug top and check connection tightness and fuse rating.
5, Carry out the PAT.
6, Following a successful test, plug in appliance to test for correct functionality.
7, Enter results onto your tabulated report sheet.
8, Write label and adhere to the tested appliance.
9, Return item back into service by plugging it in and switching back on - if required.
Repeat items 1 to 9 every 2.4 minutes regularly for periods of 4 hrs.
You will "do a proper job of test and inspection and can atchieve this schedule easily"
Well, I've been in the industry since the seventies but in that time I cannot say I've been able to reach the standard you have in a year.
Think maybe my expectation of the PAT process is different to yours!!