Hi there all. Been looking at this trade for a good 6 months now, currently in the army and looking to get out soon as and get myself a trade like I always wanted. Kind of broken hearted seeing as I can't afford to go into apprentice and college id get funding for I reckon able skills seems the best course provider over trade for skill etc. I'm from the south so would be good for me but worry I'll put 2 years into a trade that is drying out and the experienced electricians will rightly prosper! Or given a couple of years the business could boom again. I know these courses are frowmed apon but I wud find someone to work for for free 1 day a wk or somethig just to get a little extra experience. Or now do I back track and go down the heating and gas route?? :/ at a loss guys I'd prefer electrician but I have a family to look after!