Here's a little ditty I wrote, as a very young lad, one morning, sat on a site, wishing I was "qualified"....around two and a half years before I actually did!
Ode to an Electrician - Testing MATTERS!
I started off so long ago
A youthful Kid had loads to show
I knew it all, better than the rest
Until I had to prove it in that pesky test.
It started well, I could clip the cable
Read the guides, find the right table
I could run conduit all day long
And never a Pyro did I get wrong
And on I went and six months past
I reasoned out that my pay was last
I wanted more, and so I said
Give it to me, or I’m staying in bed
So they said to me, that’s just fine
You just test this last red line
Measure the voltage, the current, the lot
And we’ll see how far you’ve really got
So off I went and got my reports
And settled down to test, of sorts
Seemed so easy, to guess in my head
And never a though it would leave them dead
The moral of this is that I was a kid
It didn’t excuse what I actually did
Six months in, or six years complete
It’s a proper test that keeps it sweet
So take your time, don’t make it all up
Or you’ll be like me, that once youthful pup
I’m doing exams, and passing them all
But I’ve got time, in this prison cell hall.
Ode to an Electrician - Testing MATTERS!
I started off so long ago
A youthful Kid had loads to show
I knew it all, better than the rest
Until I had to prove it in that pesky test.
It started well, I could clip the cable
Read the guides, find the right table
I could run conduit all day long
And never a Pyro did I get wrong
And on I went and six months past
I reasoned out that my pay was last
I wanted more, and so I said
Give it to me, or I’m staying in bed
So they said to me, that’s just fine
You just test this last red line
Measure the voltage, the current, the lot
And we’ll see how far you’ve really got
So off I went and got my reports
And settled down to test, of sorts
Seemed so easy, to guess in my head
And never a though it would leave them dead
The moral of this is that I was a kid
It didn’t excuse what I actually did
Six months in, or six years complete
It’s a proper test that keeps it sweet
So take your time, don’t make it all up
Or you’ll be like me, that once youthful pup
I’m doing exams, and passing them all
But I’ve got time, in this prison cell hall.