I have had an aversion to them for some time, but today as I drove, very slowly due to the density of traffic, along a popular thoroughfare in Glasgow, I spotted 20 men in hoodies in a 500 metre stretch of road. It was a beautiful day, sun shining, 18 degrees, blue sky...but there they were, hoods up...half of them had baseball caps underneath, 2 were driving...how do you see to the side when driving with a hoodie on? One guy, on a bike, was trying to cross the road, and he pulled the drawstrings up tight, then dashed over the road in a tiny gap, causing a couple of motorists to do emergency stops. I just don't get it. Shilpit characters hiding under fleece hoods...does it look stylish?
No, to me it looks ----. Of course there are the fitness guys...these ones have the hood up all the time, wear Adidas training pants, and hang around outside the bookies smoking roll-ups and flashing their fancy trainers...
Last time they ran more than 10 feet was when it was closing time...
Brexit? Not the threat!
Hoodie-warriors...draining the system!
Saw a nice van sign on Instagram..not the usual "No tools left in this van overnight"
it said "Don't steal...I need my tools to pay your benefits"
Now, a hooded fleece is very useful when you are walking in the hills, but to be frank, most hoodies are on the high street, and the wearers are not patrons of Rohan...
Ban them!
No, to me it looks ----. Of course there are the fitness guys...these ones have the hood up all the time, wear Adidas training pants, and hang around outside the bookies smoking roll-ups and flashing their fancy trainers...
Last time they ran more than 10 feet was when it was closing time...
Brexit? Not the threat!
Hoodie-warriors...draining the system!
Saw a nice van sign on Instagram..not the usual "No tools left in this van overnight"
it said "Don't steal...I need my tools to pay your benefits"
Now, a hooded fleece is very useful when you are walking in the hills, but to be frank, most hoodies are on the high street, and the wearers are not patrons of Rohan...
Ban them!