Everyone has then You know walking up to job looking at outside then reception(commercial PIR) that it is just going to be "One of those days"
Walk into plantroom n realy wish you had stayed in bed today
Old Federal DBs old GEC Miniform main board disuesed equipment with cables cut ect ect ect ect Looks like ill be getting the wife to type up my page2 ( shes quicker typist than me) Satisfactory/unsattisfactory doesnt cut it here but IT PASSES on most things according to BRB due to them not maintaining ,repairing,carrying out dodgy practices gives me no reason to have aany code1s n 2s (Broken sockets are isolated Ect ect ect) GOD HOWMUCH do i HATE this crud on a friday ???
Walk into plantroom n realy wish you had stayed in bed today
Old Federal DBs old GEC Miniform main board disuesed equipment with cables cut ect ect ect ect Looks like ill be getting the wife to type up my page2 ( shes quicker typist than me) Satisfactory/unsattisfactory doesnt cut it here but IT PASSES on most things according to BRB due to them not maintaining ,repairing,carrying out dodgy practices gives me no reason to have aany code1s n 2s (Broken sockets are isolated Ect ect ect) GOD HOWMUCH do i HATE this crud on a friday ???