Anyone can do domestic electrics
Its the building regs bit that confuses
Part p is a building regs section that deals with electrics in domestics
In a nutshell what it means is,
the council gets lots of money for overseeing electrical work, because they have to be informed its going to be done
When you inform them,it costs lots of money and they run the show as far as installation and testing is concerned
Join a scheme and pay them lots of money and each job then only costs 2 or 3 quid
Now the joining the scheme bit,its dependant on being qualified to a minimum level and being assessed by the scheme
Once somebody is in,because its almost certainly guarenteed
they can employ any amount of housewives or binmen to do the work and notify through the scheme that alls well
The possible unfortunate customer, then gets a piece of paper saying the install has been carried out and complies with part pants,sorry P