Looks like it's time to get your tools out(!) First off, what shape is the cable. Is it round or flat? Flat would suggest 2 core so double insulated. If it's a non moulded plug the pull out a screwdriver, open the plug and see if there's a connection to the earth pin. If there's not then it's class 2. If it's a moulded plug then take a good look at the toaster. Look at where the cable enters. You need to take off the base/side/whatever to get access to where the cable comes in even if it means sacrificing one of the toasters. You need to access the cable connections direct. Once you have got at the connections then re-test with your earth probe direct on the earth wire. If that passes then trace all connections to that earth and re-test at various points until you find where the high reading is.
BTW, tell the company you work for to throw away that tester and get one that does a proper earth bond at a minimum of 10A, preferably 25A. The Martindale does an earth bond at 200mA. If there's a break in the earth cable with just a few strands remaining then at 200mA it'll pass but if there was an earth fault on the unit then those strands could easily melt away leaving the unit unearthed. A good 25A earth bond will show up faults like that straight away. I really don't know why low current earth bond tests are allowed.