So just a minor correction to your original post and you're there:Thanks for the responses, so inside a supplier manufactured 3 phase plug to 240volt plug how are they connected and I will connect my leads to the same as this, so I am connected the way I would be with a supplier purchased lead ? Any info will be much appreciated
Sorry I've just seen you've posted again but I'll send this anyway!
Best to leave fuse out of 13A plugs as well I guess
4 pin - 3 phase and earth
3phase plug side - earth to earth connection , neutral to L1 and link around to L3. Don’t connect the live into 3 phase plug.
13amp plug side - earth to earth connection, neutral to neutral connection and don’t connect the live at 13amp plug side.
5 pin - 3 phase / neutral and earth
3 phase plug side - earth to earth connection , neutral to neutral connection AND TO L1 and link around to L3.
13 amp plug side earth to earth connection , neutral to neutral connection and don’t connect live to 13amp plug side.