100% Tel and you could see which colour was what in a darkened room.never had this problem before stupid colors. ....red perm L. yellow sw. L, blueN.
100% Tel and you could see which colour was what in a darkened room.never had this problem before stupid colors. ....red perm L. yellow sw. L, blueN.
100% Tel and you could see which colour was what in a darkened room.never had this problem before stupid colors. ....red perm L. yellow sw. L, blueN.
that'sthe reason i started using black for perm.L.Brown for permanent live.
Brown for switched live.
Black for key-switched live.
If you use black for the normal switched live then you end up swapping black to brown when you wire the normal lights with a 2 core and earth after the emergency fittings.
Brown/red - perm live.
Black/yellow - switched/em live (tagged near connections with brown tape or sleeving)!
Grey/blue - earth.................
Joking pete999.....
Blue/grey - neutral.
That's how I do it and it seems logical to me.
Most important thing is to sleeve or tag connections. Worrying seeing so many not so at emergency fittings.
Reply to the thread, titled "Permanent/Unswitched live colour" which is posted in Commercial Electrical Advice on Electricians Forums.