In an earlier thread that I started about floating neutral, we had quite
a discussion about, "Back Feeding my Flat", from a DIY, solar set up, I,
unfortunately, wouldn't do this because my system doesn't have an earth,
several people who replied to my various queries, all said not to feed any
system supplied, by the national grid, without doing it technically right,
using the proper switching and wiring done by somebody who knows.
Now I have found several contradictions to those, correct suggestions,
companies based in the UK, who are selling, "Balcony Solar Systems",
who's customers back feed their systems.
This seems to be legal, as they are being sold on the open market, here
in England. The affordable ones, for ordinary people, unfortunately, have
very small outputs, starting at 80 watts, with steps up the way, when you
get to a decent output, they are charging as much for a roof mounted
Here is a link to the Google page, that I got after asking the question!
Google Results for Balcony Solar UK
Is this OK Gents, or are they just a waste of money?
a discussion about, "Back Feeding my Flat", from a DIY, solar set up, I,
unfortunately, wouldn't do this because my system doesn't have an earth,
several people who replied to my various queries, all said not to feed any
system supplied, by the national grid, without doing it technically right,
using the proper switching and wiring done by somebody who knows.
Now I have found several contradictions to those, correct suggestions,
companies based in the UK, who are selling, "Balcony Solar Systems",
who's customers back feed their systems.
This seems to be legal, as they are being sold on the open market, here
in England. The affordable ones, for ordinary people, unfortunately, have
very small outputs, starting at 80 watts, with steps up the way, when you
get to a decent output, they are charging as much for a roof mounted
Here is a link to the Google page, that I got after asking the question!
Google Results for Balcony Solar UK
Is this OK Gents, or are they just a waste of money?