Solar Steve
I am looking to add a strapline to our solar panel cleaning company. Examples of great straplines are:
Just Do It – Nike
Because You’re Worth It – L’Oreal
Every Little Helps – Tesco
I’m trying to do a bit of market research and the forum is just one avenue I'm exploring. Below are some ideas I have come up with. Bear in mind that we are not a solar panel installer, but we clean solar panels with a view to increasing the sunlight hitting the panel, thereby increasing the efficiency.
So all of our future marketing will read “Clean Solar Solutions…” then the tagline.
Please can you let me know your favourite? I’d appreciate it greatly. Whichever gets the most votes will be used. If you pick the most popular, you get a Clean Solar Solutions Bonus Point!*
1. Keeping Your Solar System Clean
2. Cleaning Energy Is Our Strength
3. Making Clean Energy Cleaner
4. Not Clean Energy, Really Clean Energy
5. Making Your Solar Shine
6. Maximise Your Power Potential
7. Cleaning Your Power Is Our Strength
8. We Bring A Bit More Brilliance
9. Because Even Clean Energy Gets Dirty
10. Cleaning Clean Energy Is Our Passion
Thanks for playing along!
*Clean Solar Solutions Bonus Points carry a cash value of 0.0000001p.
Just Do It – Nike
Because You’re Worth It – L’Oreal
Every Little Helps – Tesco
I’m trying to do a bit of market research and the forum is just one avenue I'm exploring. Below are some ideas I have come up with. Bear in mind that we are not a solar panel installer, but we clean solar panels with a view to increasing the sunlight hitting the panel, thereby increasing the efficiency.
So all of our future marketing will read “Clean Solar Solutions…” then the tagline.
Please can you let me know your favourite? I’d appreciate it greatly. Whichever gets the most votes will be used. If you pick the most popular, you get a Clean Solar Solutions Bonus Point!*
1. Keeping Your Solar System Clean
2. Cleaning Energy Is Our Strength
3. Making Clean Energy Cleaner
4. Not Clean Energy, Really Clean Energy
5. Making Your Solar Shine
6. Maximise Your Power Potential
7. Cleaning Your Power Is Our Strength
8. We Bring A Bit More Brilliance
9. Because Even Clean Energy Gets Dirty
10. Cleaning Clean Energy Is Our Passion
Thanks for playing along!
*Clean Solar Solutions Bonus Points carry a cash value of 0.0000001p.