Currently building a garage but as its not by my house I have no way of getting a supply to it unless getting a new supply and meter put in from the electricity board which would cost a fortune,
So im asking do you know of any quiet generators that would be suitable to run few lights and maybe power a socket or any other alternative of getting power there, Have had a look on the internet for generators but dont want to buy and there louder than I think as realy need it as quiet as possibly thanks.
Currently building a garage but as its not by my house I have no way of getting a supply to it unless getting a new supply and meter put in from the electricity board which would cost a fortune,
So im asking do you know of any quiet generators that would be suitable to run few lights and maybe power a socket or any other alternative of getting power there, Have had a look on the internet for generators but dont want to buy and there louder than I think as realy need it as quiet as possibly thanks.