I thought it did? If it shows power generated - power being used the surplus is exporting to the grid?
Yes it shows generated but how do you measure surplus? Example generated 3kwh but you use the washing machine 2kwh surplus = 1kwh
But how do you work out if the washing machine heated the water for 5 min@30c then heated the water later @40c then rinse without heat on to the full spin through its cycle? That’s just 1 device
The eco & elios4you does the maths for you that’s why they cost more.
The Elios4you can divert surplus energy to your immersion heater and both the Geo & Elios4you will be able to remotely power 4 devices in the home soon at extra cost
I am a member of the public with my own (homesun) free installation so I am not a solar installer or electrican. I went for the Geo because it comes with a small screen and didn’t need any tools to be installed.
I want to try the Elios4you but will need jason121 help to install it for me.
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