Are you sure the unused phases are live would be the first thing to check out after that you will probably need to make an application for a new meter connection to your chosen supplier
Thanks a lot for replying mate.
I was told by the Western Power guys that they were.
Is there not a possibility of getting a sub meter (by that I mean on the same bill without a separate standing charge) as the annexe does not need to be billed separately? Or is a sub meter effectively the new meter connection you are talking about?
No supplier I have spoken to seems to offer this service.
My perfect scenario would be ; Accessing on of the redundant phases but having it on the same bill as my existing supply. Not sure if I'm wishful thinking here or what.
You need to request a new supply from your local DNO, distribution network operator.
DNO list
UKPN example
They will then guide you through the process, they may send a surveyor out to look at your existing supply to see if it is suitable. You will also need to engage your supplier as they will need to fit a meter etc and you may also need a local electrician to certify the buildings electrical installation before they make any connections.
Thanks for replying to my query mate.
My DNO Western Power stated :
"Unfortunately Western Power Distribution does not carry out the installation of meters.
As your current supplier can’t do this work you can apply to another supplier who will. I am unable to advise which supplier to go.
They will put a single phase meter onto one of the unused phases on your 3 phase cut out and your electrician would then need to wire it back to the annexe. We will need to provide you with a meter point administration number for the meter to be installed."
This was no help as I can not find a supplier who even understands what I'm asking for.