I have a couple of questions regarding PV systems if anyone can help
1) Thinking of Ohms law, how does a grid tie inverter match the mains grid power
set up 2.76Kwp system of 12 panels at 230w
e.g. - Vmp 29.9 Imp 7.69
in 1 string it would mean a system Vmp of 358.8 V and IMP of 7.69, but the inverter outputs at 230v
does this mean the inverter increases the amps in order to drop the voltage ( i know we loose some due to inverter inefficiency aorund 10% or does the inverter increase the amps so that it balances )
or is the remaining voltage lost in heat (resistance)
or if we have the setup in 2 string with a system IMP of 15.38 and Vmp of 179.6
in this instance does the inverter vary the amps in order to increase the voltage to 230v ?
or again is some of the amps lost in heat (resistance)
i know a bit about PV but this has raised some interesting questions - my assumption is (knowing how hot invereters get ) that wwe loose the excess in heat
2) other than limiting the voltage to more managable levels and increasing shading tolerances what are the advantages of increasing the number of strings
1) Thinking of Ohms law, how does a grid tie inverter match the mains grid power
set up 2.76Kwp system of 12 panels at 230w
e.g. - Vmp 29.9 Imp 7.69
in 1 string it would mean a system Vmp of 358.8 V and IMP of 7.69, but the inverter outputs at 230v
does this mean the inverter increases the amps in order to drop the voltage ( i know we loose some due to inverter inefficiency aorund 10% or does the inverter increase the amps so that it balances )
or is the remaining voltage lost in heat (resistance)
or if we have the setup in 2 string with a system IMP of 15.38 and Vmp of 179.6
in this instance does the inverter vary the amps in order to increase the voltage to 230v ?
or again is some of the amps lost in heat (resistance)
i know a bit about PV but this has raised some interesting questions - my assumption is (knowing how hot invereters get ) that wwe loose the excess in heat
2) other than limiting the voltage to more managable levels and increasing shading tolerances what are the advantages of increasing the number of strings