I think you've answered your own query there.
IF you carry spare MCBs for every make of CU in your van,
AND every CU has a spare way, AND the wires are long enough, then you can quickly lash up two 16 or 20A radials. But the way your suggestion was written, it formed an image (for me at least) of just disconnecting the faulty cable and leaving two radials on a 30/32A fuse/breaker.
That was my point - lighting is "quite important" but I've yet to see any suggestion that we should use rings for lighting to cater for the ability to convert it to two radials in order to quickly isolate a fault.
Ah, the "what if ..." argument. You can use "what if ..." to argue for almost anything

"What if ..." is actually a pretty good argument against RFCs, "what if ... there's a break in the RFC, and near one end ?" You've now a significant chance of Zs going over limits to guarantee prompt tripping of the OPD under fault conditions, and you've now a radial wired in 2.5 and protected by a B32 or even C32 - but the user doesn't know there's anything to investigate because "stuff still works". As already pointed out, with a radial, stuff will stop working - unless it's the CPC, in which case ...
So very much, 6 of one, half a dozen of the other