"...verification...shall be made...for RCDs by inspection and test..... The disconnection times...shall be verified."
No other way than by live testing to verify that they meet the requirements.
Then you have the Electricity at Work Regs, which state adequate safety standards should be kept, so if a RCD was protecting a light circuit, you wouldn't really be safe putting probes on a pendant, 4 steps up a step ladder, then getting down each time to reset the RCD, so you'd use common sense, and do it at the DB/CU, where there would be no falling hazard, no moving from the spot to reset the RCD (you'd be leaving a live connection open at the pendant when you reset the RCD), and no hanging leads that can trip you., wrap around your leg, one could be inadvertently left on line, the other is dropped onto your leg, and there is potential for a shock through the meter etc.
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