I haven't got my 16th so can't remember if the 100mA is still regarded in the same context as the 17th would.
It was always that the 30mA gave the person protection and the 100mA was for equipment. So for instance if you go to section 705 you will see in reg 705.411.4 that a 100mA RCD is needed for socket outlets rated over 32amp, and I think it was the same for the 16th.
In domestic situations especially TT systems the use of the 100mA RCD was deemed necessary because of the instability of the earthing rod, and therefore the high Zs.
With the advent of the 30mA RCD for socket outlet protection for the use of mobile equipment used outside in the 16th, it was still deemed acceptable to have the lights, cookers, immersion heaters etc covered by the 100mA and therefore have discrimination.
Of course the 17th now requires much more additional protection by 30mA RCD.
As for the Reg concerning the size of an RCd at the head I can't recall a specific one, but as I said I don't have my 16th with me.