I've had a couple of these jobs now, found a garden shed wired into a ring with appliance flex on one of them - nice job
But the one today is a bit bigger a commercial yard - if it's raining the RCD starts tripping at about 5pm.
So I know I'm looking for and from what he's told me I've got a good idea where - so I'm thinking I need to test the Insulation at that point
Is there anything I should/could be doing?
Who makes a good IP5 upwards CU?
But the one today is a bit bigger a commercial yard - if it's raining the RCD starts tripping at about 5pm.
So I know I'm looking for and from what he's told me I've got a good idea where - so I'm thinking I need to test the Insulation at that point
Is there anything I should/could be doing?
Who makes a good IP5 upwards CU?