The voicemail is not correct, or not totally correct. Let me explain.
The top left ENEL Arriva is where the main supply enters. It is a 32A circuit breaker which will trip on short circuit and prolonged overcurrent (as I described earlier). In its case, the 32A will hold for 1 hour at 1.13 x 32A and definitely trip after one hour on 1.45 x 32A. It is not sensitive to black out or brown out that is voltage because it is a passive device concerned with current effects(-but see later at # below). If it trips then you either have a short circuit fault happening or you are drawing too much current - see the hour figures I mentioned. The output of this circuit breaker supplies the RCD breaker (F202?) immediately to its right and the ds642p.
For clarity the ds642p is three in one unit as I explained in my first message, so this is all one device and the black switches will trip down on shprt circuit, overload or high earth leakage:

Did you do my test to discover if the RCD breakers (F202 and DS642P are active or passive types. If they are active then when the 32A ENEL breaker trips so will these two RCDS - so as the electrician said. But....if they are passive types then they should not trip if the ENEL breaker trips.
Now to # I mentioned above. If you have a short black out or brown out there may be such a brief surge in current upwards as the voltage returns or rises that the ENEL breaker is momentarily passing such a high current that it trips the short circuit mechanism - it is electromagentic functionality so fast acting (immediate) for currents from 3 to 5 times 32A or more (whereas the overload is thermal mechanic slow acting). If it trips it will need to be reset. If this is the case you may be able swap it for a less sensitive characteristic - we will discuss this once we know what kind of rcds you have.
The top left ENEL Arriva is where the main supply enters. It is a 32A circuit breaker which will trip on short circuit and prolonged overcurrent (as I described earlier). In its case, the 32A will hold for 1 hour at 1.13 x 32A and definitely trip after one hour on 1.45 x 32A. It is not sensitive to black out or brown out that is voltage because it is a passive device concerned with current effects(-but see later at # below). If it trips then you either have a short circuit fault happening or you are drawing too much current - see the hour figures I mentioned. The output of this circuit breaker supplies the RCD breaker (F202?) immediately to its right and the ds642p.
For clarity the ds642p is three in one unit as I explained in my first message, so this is all one device and the black switches will trip down on shprt circuit, overload or high earth leakage:

Did you do my test to discover if the RCD breakers (F202 and DS642P are active or passive types. If they are active then when the 32A ENEL breaker trips so will these two RCDS - so as the electrician said. But....if they are passive types then they should not trip if the ENEL breaker trips.
Now to # I mentioned above. If you have a short black out or brown out there may be such a brief surge in current upwards as the voltage returns or rises that the ENEL breaker is momentarily passing such a high current that it trips the short circuit mechanism - it is electromagentic functionality so fast acting (immediate) for currents from 3 to 5 times 32A or more (whereas the overload is thermal mechanic slow acting). If it trips it will need to be reset. If this is the case you may be able swap it for a less sensitive characteristic - we will discuss this once we know what kind of rcds you have.
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