22 companies had their membership of the Scheme terminated for non-payment of their 2010 membership fees. (Some of these companies may no longer be trading.) They were:
Just copied this from REAL, well that just about say's it all..
Maybe these companies did not want anymore more to do with the PV industry, because of the way we are all treated.
Maybe it would give us a little inspiration if that list was of companies that were terminated from the scheme for poor installations, or conning customers with £500 up front fees for example, no, just that they had not paid.
I am sure that it has crossed every-bodies mind to pack it all in and do something else, but, we stay with it, with all the frustrations, because we believe there is a future in this Industry, and we have invested both time and money to get where we are.(wherever that might be).
Roll on Feb 9th...