Thats a Good question m8, and I bet you will not get a straight answer, I would say you record the worst case scenario. The answer to cable heavily incased in insulation is to increase its size, refer to the BIG RED BOOK (brb ) for the calculations. You may still be wel inside the limits alowing for demand , etc, with the cable size you have installed. You will probably find that if the cable runs for more han 0.5 meters through a a higher insultion area, than this is the area that should be recorded, and calculated upon. (i was taught you must always calculate to the worst case scenario, and this is called failing to safety ) Clearly, if you calculate on the worst case scenario, your going to sleep well at night.
lol i typed this whilst Scotsparky was typing his reply, basically they say the same mate. I think. I see scotspary has lost the ability to spell, and so have I . obviously, he has acccess to Glenfidick, as I have tonight. Te he.