No you cannot use UK regs here in France.
France has its own regs and a hell of a lot of them, these differ in many ways from those of the UK.
Anyone can wire a house here as long as it is their own house, if you are doing it for someone else and are being paid then you have to;
1) Be registered and have a siret number
2) Have both Responsibility civile (Third party liab ins) and Decennal Assurance (10 year guarantee ins)
If there is no current supply to the property, then it is possible to get EDF to connect a temp supply but this will only be allowed for 1 year before a permanent supply is required and for this to be done, a consuel certificate will need to be obtained. This involves forms to be filled out and an inspection by the consuel inspector, so you will need to speak French.
Also do NOT think that you will be able to come over and rewire a three bed house in a week, unlike the UK, ring mains are illegal as is twin and earth cables, most cabelling is singles run in gaine (plastic conduit) which all has be pulled through although you can buy prefilled but it becomes a lot more expensive. You are only allowed 8 sockets or 8 lights on one circuit, washing machines/dishwashers/freezers all have to have their own circuits and many properties are 3 phase, so a lot of balancing of loads across the phases is necessary.
If you need anymore info or I can help you out in any way please feel free to drop me a line.
Hope this helps