Looking at reg 421.1.201, it states 'Within domestic (household) premises, consumer units and similar switchgear assemblies shall comply with BS EN 61439-3 and shall; ........you know the rest.
Then at the beginning of (not quoting from Genesis, another well know publication) BS7671: 2008 inc A3, reg 110.1.1 'The regulations apply to the design, erection and verification of electrical installations.
No definition of erection in BS7671, The Oxford Dictionary; 1 erecting, being erected. 2 something erected, such as a building. 3 (then something described, which we shouldn't talk about in a family forum, with young kids about!) # Verb erect, set up, build.
So I would suggest, disconnecting cabling, dismantling CU, moving to new location, re-fixing, reconnecting cabling is an erection and therefore needs to apply to the current regs, which includes 421.1.201 (et al).
Then at the beginning of (not quoting from Genesis, another well know publication) BS7671: 2008 inc A3, reg 110.1.1 'The regulations apply to the design, erection and verification of electrical installations.
No definition of erection in BS7671, The Oxford Dictionary; 1 erecting, being erected. 2 something erected, such as a building. 3 (then something described, which we shouldn't talk about in a family forum, with young kids about!) # Verb erect, set up, build.
So I would suggest, disconnecting cabling, dismantling CU, moving to new location, re-fixing, reconnecting cabling is an erection and therefore needs to apply to the current regs, which includes 421.1.201 (et al).