Hi all, did a ccu change for a landlord in a 2 bed terrace house. Did visual check on lighting cpc and rest of installation prior to doing the job.
First i installed 10mm main earth to gas pipe near meter and then removed old ccu. All cables to the ccu were of pvc t&e type and were prob 15-20 years old but visually sound. I removed all light bulbs and all plugs and turned off switched fused spur for boiler. I then proceeded to do dead tests. First had earth fault on Down stairs lights. Found that loose cpc on 1 of the lights, so repaired that and moved on to next circuit. All sockets are on the same ring. When testing the ring found that at present the ring was not complete, only rN was and had a reading of 0.51 ohms both the cpc and r1 were not complete. So b4 i continued, i removed every socket and spur front plate and checked for loose connections or wires out. Did not find any, so suspect loose or missing connections in a joint box or boxes under floor up stairs. Moved on to upstairs lighting, removed covers off all drops or removed light fittings to gain access to wiring. All looked well and tested ok. tested rest of circuits and then installed ccu. did Ze and pfc and then tested rest of the circuits. Ring circuit resistance was ok but due to the ring not being complete Zs was higher in 2 sockets(not spurs) max Zs in All but 2 sockets was 1.12 and the max out of the other 2 was 1.29. The Zs test for the upstairs lights was the 1 that had me confused. When i tried to do Zs on any of the up stairs lights the test meter did not like it and indicated an earth neutral fault, so i rechecked all of the light fittings and looked in the attic for joint boxes but found no fault. So did rcd tests, which were 26mS and 12mS on 1 split and 12mS and 13.9 on the other split. switched on and all was well. Later on found out that the alarm is wired in the Up stairs lights, suspect this was the neutral earth fault caused by its transformer. Would you issue the cirt and mention ring fault on it and the tell land lord that it needs to be fix or refuse to issue cirt until rectified but risk not getting paid. Any help or corrective comments very welcome as at the end of the day i wish to do things right and safe. Thanks in advance.

First i installed 10mm main earth to gas pipe near meter and then removed old ccu. All cables to the ccu were of pvc t&e type and were prob 15-20 years old but visually sound. I removed all light bulbs and all plugs and turned off switched fused spur for boiler. I then proceeded to do dead tests. First had earth fault on Down stairs lights. Found that loose cpc on 1 of the lights, so repaired that and moved on to next circuit. All sockets are on the same ring. When testing the ring found that at present the ring was not complete, only rN was and had a reading of 0.51 ohms both the cpc and r1 were not complete. So b4 i continued, i removed every socket and spur front plate and checked for loose connections or wires out. Did not find any, so suspect loose or missing connections in a joint box or boxes under floor up stairs. Moved on to upstairs lighting, removed covers off all drops or removed light fittings to gain access to wiring. All looked well and tested ok. tested rest of circuits and then installed ccu. did Ze and pfc and then tested rest of the circuits. Ring circuit resistance was ok but due to the ring not being complete Zs was higher in 2 sockets(not spurs) max Zs in All but 2 sockets was 1.12 and the max out of the other 2 was 1.29. The Zs test for the upstairs lights was the 1 that had me confused. When i tried to do Zs on any of the up stairs lights the test meter did not like it and indicated an earth neutral fault, so i rechecked all of the light fittings and looked in the attic for joint boxes but found no fault. So did rcd tests, which were 26mS and 12mS on 1 split and 12mS and 13.9 on the other split. switched on and all was well. Later on found out that the alarm is wired in the Up stairs lights, suspect this was the neutral earth fault caused by its transformer. Would you issue the cirt and mention ring fault on it and the tell land lord that it needs to be fix or refuse to issue cirt until rectified but risk not getting paid. Any help or corrective comments very welcome as at the end of the day i wish to do things right and safe. Thanks in advance.